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Old 09-19-2014, 09:31 AM
Reel Tune's Avatar
Reel Tune Reel Tune is offline
Fishing TN Staff
Join Date: Jan 2010
Location: Old Hickory
Age: 44
Posts: 2,173
Default Tennessee Kayak Bass Fishing Championship

We've (Chattanooga Bass Yakkers, Tennessee Kayak Anglers, and Kayak Bass Fishing TN) have had 213 anglers fishing in over 25 events to earn points to become the Tennessee State Champion.

Well this weekend is the State Championship that is being held on Tims Ford. This is a two day event, 5 fish total, catch photo and release tournament where the length of your 5 total fish will be the winning bag.

Pre-Registration Begins: Friday September 19th 6:30 pm-7:30pm CST at Tim’s Ford Rustic State Park Shelter #1 Picnic Road Winchester, TN 37398 35.215165, -86.247759

Final Registration - Saturday 5:15 am CST - 5:45am CST 4136 Mansford Road Winchester, TN 37398 35.223057, -86.245648

Captain’s Meeting: Saturday September 20th at 6:00am after registration CST 4136 Mansford Road Winchester, TN 37398 35.223057, -86.245648...

You may begin fishing after being released from the Captains meeting Saturday morning

Saturday Check-In 6pm, and this is where you will receive your day 2 identifier, and turn in day #1 fish. John T’s BBQ 115 1st Ave, NE Winchester, TN 37398 931-967 9600

Sunday begin fishing no earlier than 6:00 am CST

Sunday Check-In 12 noon Tim’s Ford Rustic State Park Shelter #1 Picnic Road Winchester, TN 37398 35.215165,-86.247759

Tournament Entry $50
Big Fish $10
Admin Fees $5 per angler will be deducted from each anglers entry to help cover the cost of (Shelters, Restaurant, and other fees).

The top 20 points earners of the season will be competing for the title of the State Champion.

We have Chad Hoover with Hook1 stepping up and the winner will receive a custom Wilderness Systems Ride 135, and a Custom All Pro Rod. We have many other sponsors stepping up and donating prizes.

Anyone is welcome to fish this event from a paddle craft, and eligible to win cash. We are projecting the winner will take home more than $800 in cash.

If you are in the area and don't fish from a paddle craft, you are welcome to come down Sunday to the Tims Ford State Park and watch the awards at noon located at shelter #2.
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