I am running a mohawk solo 13. It is lighter than most kayaks @ 41 lbs vs 60+. I also duck hunt out of it on occasion, and I wanted a boat I could carry decoys, etc in and lay down in to hunt. It is a royalex boat, so I can repair it if need be with fiberglass cloth and epoxy. Royalex has been the standard for whitewater canoes for 40ish years, but sadly the only plant that makes royalex sheets recently closed. My experience has been that the canoe is faster than the coosa, but that is the only one I have run side by side. I can stash 2 rods on each side of the seat but usually only take 2. I did add a cushion seat with a backrest and can fish all day out of it. Canoes have a reputation for being tippy, but that has not been my experience with a solo boat. I do use a double ended kayak paddle. I have rigged mine with an anchor trolley, so it has most of the features of a fishing kayak without the extra weight of the decks on top. Many of the fishing yaks tout being able to stand to fish. Would I do it in my canoe- no. If you are planning to river fish where you will be in and out of the boat often wading shoals and walking the boat over riffles, get a canoe or sit on top kayak. I can easily get in and out of either in thigh-deep water. Try that in a sit in kayak, and please post the video for our enjoyment!