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Old 07-02-2014, 11:09 AM
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Doc Marshall Doc Marshall is offline
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Default Wading the Caney During Generation

If this is a stupid question, at least the answer will be here online for all posterity.

Is it safe to wade the Caney when they have one generator going? If not, do people fish from the shore? Perhaps around the pool? I thought we could fly fish from shore.

My dad is in town and each and every time he comes up here, Center Hill has the generators going. He's never experienced the Caney at all.

Thanks in advance.
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Old 07-02-2014, 11:17 AM
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Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
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I wouldn't wade with generators matter if it is just one. You can fish from the bank...its just tougher and you won't catch as many fish but you are subject to catch bigger fish.

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Old 07-02-2014, 11:20 AM
Travis C. Travis C. is offline
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No. Wading during generation is not safe at all.

Wading with "just" the sluice can be done in a few spots on the river but by someone very cautious and aware of where they are going.

Fly fishing during generation is going to be tough from the bank. You can do a steeple cast where you draw it back vertically instead of horizontal then on to your forward stroke or a spey cast snap T can be done as well with a single hand fly rod. It's pretty much a glorified roll cast using the water to dragging downstream to load your rod.

If you can get across to the island where the steps are below the dam I-40 side of the river and they are only running a generator then you can stand at the end of the island fishing the slack water behind it to catch some fish. We have done that with a fly rod off the bank before. Just be careful accessing it.
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