Originally Posted by agelesssone
I seen it Ott.
And you know the old saw....no picture? It didn't happen!
And the term "smart phone" refers to the fact you gotta have some "smarts" to use one.......save your money and don't bother getting one.
Made for a nice story that you can tell your grandkids when they come to visit you in the old folks home next week. I especially like the embellishment where you "ran", gave me a good chuckle. My, but you do have a fertile imagination.
They are letting you have visitors again, aren't they? When do you get your next "leave"? I need to know so I don't bother going to the lake that day. I like to give your visits a coupla days to "evaporate" the juju hex you bring with you.
Merv, I caught this one myself. It seems that you always have to have another tagging along to show you how to catch a fish.
IMO the smart people only use a phone for conversing. I do not like playing on the phone. In fact I almost quit school because I did not want to waste time playing during recess. Fortunately I do not have to have an app to show me how to do everything. I am also saving money by not using a smart phone. I admit it is a little tough having to use this rotary dial cell phone.
Maybe ran was an exaggeration. However I was walking at an accelerated pace and jumping on and over big rocks. Strange how I normally would have tripped over them.
I hope the institution does not find out about me using sharp hooks. They advised my wife to keep sharp objects locked up when I am out on leave. Would you like me to help you filet some fish?
I may buy a kayak and go to Center Hill with Jimmy while he is working nights next month. Mike can"t go and I feel sure that I could give a youngster like him some good advice.