Dakota you will find you are going to find a use for several of those colors. On Fathers Day I used Humminbirds red/green palette. I was looking for one thing......gravel in deeper water...say 19 to 30 feet. I found very little. Gills and shell cracker especially will hold on that gravel in the summer down deep. Find the gravel, and or shell beds, and you can find the shell cracker and Gills. The red will make it pop out....you can also look for hard bottom with the red. But that color scheme is not much use for too many other things. So had I found gravel I would have switched to blue..or amber, and turned my sharpness on, looked for fish holding close or on the bottom. I had seen this in a video from Doug Vahrenberg. There was also a guy over at crappie.com that saw the same video and went out looking for the same thing and he found the mother load of Gills in 26 feet of water. He first used the red/green to locate gravel and then switched colors and there were Gills all over the gravel floor. Pretty neat stuff. Give me a little more time and I will find the gravel...and Gills....and post the pics.