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Old 03-19-2014, 08:46 AM
TNBronzeback TNBronzeback is offline
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Default Dale Hollow 'Eye's

My brother lives in crossville up on the plateau and was in walmart up there and was browsing the fishing section this past sunday. He saw a guy frantically snatching up zoom paddle tail baits in all colors that resembled pearl. Out of curiosity, he asked the guy whats with all the zoom's. He said the guy's face lit up like a kid on christmas, he said the walleyes are thick as thieves up in "Indian Creek" on Dale Hollow. It sounded like alot of the guys are getting access to the water via 4-wheelers with farmer's/land owners permission and just casting from shore. im sure there are also boats on them as well, but this guy and his buddies were going the shore route. Sounds to me the walleyes have found some spawning grounds.
Anyway's, my brother said the guy was in a huge rush and literally wiping out the zoom paddle tails and was heading to fish as soon as he loaded up.
i know in the late fall/early winter, walleyes were getting caught in the next creek over from Indian Creek.

But thats the word that ive heard. If anybody is going to be fishing around that area this weekend, it might be worth looking into. If the fish are there and the word is out, the bite might not last too long.
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Old 03-19-2014, 10:30 AM
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That's interesting. I fished the entire back end of Indian Creek two weeks ago with minnows and didn't get touched. We caught a few smallmouth back there around Christmas. I've never caught a walleye on the lower end of the lake myself but I'm sure they're around. I was always under the impression that late winter most of them migrate far up-lake to spawn? I wonder if any spawn at the dam?
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Old 03-19-2014, 11:16 AM
TNBronzeback TNBronzeback is offline
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I have recieved lots of varying information regarding walleyes on Dale Hollow and Center Hill. I personally have not made a trip to D.H. in search for them, but i plan to once i get a game plan together myself.
They may not be looking for spawning grounds in Indian Creek, they may be on thier migration route to them and chased bait and found some hooks as well, then word got out. Indian Creek is close to the dam. I wouldnt think that the bulk of the walleyes would bunch up in a few isolated spots up the lake.
Horse Creek was the location that was getting some walleye action in the late fall.
Makes sense, a couple of large creeks coming right off the main lake channel. bait is in there, water temps are rising and they are putting on the feed bag before they get lock jaw for spawning.
Might be time to rig up the spinners, body baits and bottom bouncers and make a drive.
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Old 03-19-2014, 12:00 PM
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Walleyes will run up pretty much any creek to spawn if it has the right bottom for them. Creek mouths and way up in creeks were prime spring spots up north. Shallow...shallow water. We tossed cranks against rocks in 1-3' of water.
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Old 03-19-2014, 12:54 PM
TNBronzeback TNBronzeback is offline
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They will certainly make the best of thier living situation, thats for sure!
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Old 03-20-2014, 08:22 AM
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There must be an Indian Creek up the Obey river or Wolf river because the "Indian Creek" on Dale Hollow is on the lower end and I fished it yesterday and could only get bows and smallies. All the banks are steep and deep so there would be no access. The eyes on the upper end run up the creeks and the eyes on the lower stay put and spawn on points, saddles and humps. The lake is rising quickly right now so spawning depth could very.
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Old 03-20-2014, 11:03 AM
bfish bfish is offline
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yup Obey, and you can park along the hwy and walk down (find a spot is tough). They move back further than boats can go. I used to see guys gig them there (and also watched a very alart TWRA officer track them down too).
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Old 03-20-2014, 02:44 PM
olddognewtrick olddognewtrick is offline
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Originally Posted by bfish View Post
yup Obey, and you can park along the hwy and walk down (find a spot is tough). They move back further than boats can go. I used to see guys gig them there (and also watched a very alart TWRA officer track them down too).
How is it for getting a yak in there? Does that marina allow use of their ramp?
I would like to make a walleye trip!
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