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Old 03-03-2014, 09:46 AM
hotwielen65 hotwielen65 is offline
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Default Jjp

Got out Saturday to try putting some crappie in the boat, I picked up Merv (agelessone) at the Long Hunter dock. I bought a HB 597 about 8 months ago and had not really got a handle on how to set it up, TK recommended I give Merv a call, thanks TK! He got it set up and explained how to use it while we fished. We started out in shallow water with 47 degree water with no luck. We moved out to some brush in the 16 foot range and didn't have any luck there either. We went to some TWRA brush and caught our first crappie but that was it for the day. Merv you really helped me understand the GPS and how to read what I'm looking at. I got out on OH for just a couple hours, just checking out the bottom and marking spots on the GPS, my trust level in the unit is much better and I learned a lot more just knowing that it WAS set up right for how I fish. Thanks for your help Merv, we'll have to hook up on OH soon.

Good luck to all,

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Old 03-03-2014, 12:34 PM
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agelesssone agelesssone is offline
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Say the word Ray!

I'm sorry we couldn't find the fish Saturday. I really thought we would pick some up in the deeper water.

Looking forward to some OH fishing. I intend to do a lot more OH fishin this year.
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