Made my first trip out in my boat since bow season started in late September. It felt great to be back on the water. Put in at Jefferson Springs and fished the Spring and Fall Creek area. I bought a bunch of trout magnet supplies late last year but never really had a chance to use them so today I strung up my light weight rod with 2lb test and tied on the 1/64 trout magnet head and used for the most part the bison colored trout magnet under a float. Fished 2.5 feet deep in water 3-8 feet deep. Water was just under 52 degrees.
I caught probably a dozen or so small white bass, 3-4 small largemouth bass, too many small bluegill to even keep up with and 25-30 crappie with 15 keepers that went home with me. All in all it was a great day and great to be fishing again! I did catch one fish on the crappie magnet early but switched over to the smaller trout magnet and that is when it got good.