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Old 12-16-2013, 10:09 AM
hotwielen65 hotwielen65 is offline
Junior Member
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 146
Default Cordell Hull dam

Got out Saturday and fished from noon till 4:30 from the band on generator side. I only caught a couple stripe, other than that nothing. That said a couple guys fishing the walk ramp started at day break and were wrapping up when I got there. They had a couple nice walleye and some stripe. They were throwing a three way rig with 1 or 2 oz. weight and 3" curly tail (white) to the middle of the water flow drifting it down to the break in water. There were several boats out there also, saw a couple being caught and put back into the water. I didn't bring my light so I wrapped up at dark but around 4:00 the shore body count trippled.... a couple guys said they were getting into some keepers after dark, no limits but a lot of short fish. One of the guys said when they are only running one genorator he had better luck.

Good luck,
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