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Old 10-27-2013, 07:55 AM
Dizzy Dizzy is offline
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Default Can some one please help me.. the aren't biting

Ok so im calling out an fishers S.O.S... I can't get a bit if my life depended on it and thats unusual for me.. but for the past month i cant get on to the fish.. no catfish, no bass, no strippers, no nothing.. the only thing i have been successful at catching is bait and sleep oh and a blue gill from time to seems that snice the river went down the fishing turned off. Went to the cumberland city steam plant two nights in a row two weeks ago and nothing and no luck went down riverside and the red river and nothing.. someone one please tell me they have a had luck out there and where the fish are so i can break this streak off bad luck..
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Old 10-27-2013, 09:52 AM
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It's a been a long time since I went looking for strippers (wife would frown on any such activity) - but if you're fishing the rocks near McGregor park or Liberty park, you're in the right general area(s). Fish plastics close/parallel to the rocks. I *think* lately, since the water dropped so much, the fish are hugging the rocks even more than before and I usually catch them within the first hour or two after first light.

As for the Red River, that's a odd stretch of water for me because aside from one time, I have never caught fish in there. I don't know what I'm doing wrong but that Red is like the Dead Sea to me.
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Old 10-27-2013, 11:11 AM
Dizzy Dizzy is offline
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Thanks for the tip, im going to head up that way now.. far as the red river goes. When the water is up and not so muddy you can do some great striper fishing.. you can you large swim baits or the large cigar shaped crank baits and troll with it off the side or back of the boat or cast down stream.. reel at a slow to medium speed.. can get some nice flat heads in the red too
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Old 10-27-2013, 01:28 PM
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Let me know how it turned out for may be a good day to be out there with this cloud cover and the warmer temps.
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Old 10-27-2013, 10:56 PM
Dizzy Dizzy is offline
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Well it turned out better than i thought.. caught one cat and two striper.. thinking about heading out tomorrow afternoon to see if i can get on to some more striper.. thought about lock C but a guy who was fishing down there with me said there is nothing going on out there.
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