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Old 08-09-2013, 07:04 PM
Travis C. Travis C. is offline
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Default America's only POW

Have any of you heard about this?
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Old 08-10-2013, 02:27 PM
Transplanted Sportsman Transplanted Sportsman is offline
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Originally Posted by Travis C. View Post

Have any of you heard about this?
I knew about sgt Bardhal (spl?) I did not know G-man Swindle had taken this as a cause, kudos to him!!! Sagt Bardhal was on TV, shown to be alive not too long ago, maybe a couple of months, wearing traditional Afghan attire, long beard but his spirit looked unbroken to me, and I just couldnt believe this guy is still in taliban's hands so long after his capture, I have not heard of any talks trying to exchange POW's with the taliban (our current government just lets them go after a while and they rejoin the fight with a renew hatred) I shouldn't said this because some people may just consider this too political but this is my opinion and I do feel strongly about this, does Benghazi Libia sound familiar???, what in the heck is this government doing??? and this goes for a number of things!!, it is a SHAME that this brave soldier, ambassador Stevens and the former seals who defended the embassy are not home with their family or at least in friendly territory in a base somewhere, what stuns me the most is how come the American people is not outraged by this and demand some answers from the elected officials, congress, the president, you name it!!, really sad!!
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