Stop The Corps.
It looks like the Corps of Engineers is going to try and get the tail-water barricades installed, while bureaucracy has the legislation to prevent it bogged down in the Washington machinery. What the Corps is trying to do is illegal on a number of fronts, and needs an immediade challenge.
Your State legislature is unanimously behind you - both houses... Ask your State Senator - ask all of 'em - to call or write Attorney General Cooper, and seek a Temporary Restraining Order against the Corps doing any more damage to our river. You'll find all the State Senators on two lists posted on this site. It's as easy as pulling up the list(s), click on the email address of a Senator, key in your message, and hit send. You don't have to be as windy as me. Just tell them that the Corps has side-stepped some legal requirements for such a project, is ignoring the public ownership of river, and is thumbing their nose at State and Federal legislators who represent us.