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Old 04-14-2013, 09:44 PM
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Default Shadows under the Yak.

For all of you that have Sea Kayaked and heard that really large splash in the dark in the wee hours of the morning.
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Old 04-15-2013, 08:17 AM
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Saw that last week. It makes you think a little, but oh' well I'll be fishing saltwater in May and July. After that incident there would have been brown sprayed all over the place.

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Old 04-15-2013, 09:54 AM
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A couple years ago I was In Boca Grande Fl....Where I was staying at was 26 miles from Boca Grande Pass by water (30-35 min trip in decent conditions on my ski)....I took 2 trips to the Pass for some Tarpon fishing on my Waverunner...First trip went great ...even caught @ 40 lb Tarpon....Second trip a couple days later I went to the Pass mid smooth on the way out but the wind came up (checked the weather, wasnt supposed to blow as hard as it did), when I went to head back as the wind was blowing pretty decent, I came around a barrier point....that was blocking a lot of the wind, I came around and I was faced with 3-4ft seas with 5-6ft rogue rollers thrown in for fun ()....I came across an area that was some what shallow and clear where you could see the sandy I went across it I saw 2 BIG dark shadows heading my way,they went right under my ski ....felt a thud on the bottom as they went by....scared the crap out of me...took almost 2 hours to make it back to the ramp because of the water state, about 30 mins after dark....was told that Bull Sharks are every where in that area.....
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Old 04-30-2013, 09:58 AM
FloatNFish FloatNFish is offline
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Originally Posted by Aquaholic6801 View Post
A couple years ago I was In Boca Grande Fl....Where I was staying at was 26 miles from Boca Grande Pass by water (30-35 min trip in decent conditions on my ski)....I took 2 trips to the Pass for some Tarpon fishing on my Waverunner...First trip went great ...even caught @ 40 lb Tarpon....Second trip a couple days later I went to the Pass mid smooth on the way out but the wind came up (checked the weather, wasnt supposed to blow as hard as it did), when I went to head back as the wind was blowing pretty decent, I came around a barrier point....that was blocking a lot of the wind, I came around and I was faced with 3-4ft seas with 5-6ft rogue rollers thrown in for fun ()....I came across an area that was some what shallow and clear where you could see the sandy I went across it I saw 2 BIG dark shadows heading my way,they went right under my ski ....felt a thud on the bottom as they went by....scared the crap out of me...took almost 2 hours to make it back to the ramp because of the water state, about 30 mins after dark....was told that Bull Sharks are every where in that area.....
Last couple world record hammerheads came out of Boca Grande Pass too...
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Old 05-01-2013, 09:37 AM
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Wow Aquaholic, that's intense. I have a surf app that I use and if it's over 2' then I don't go out. We've ben caught 4 miles off Flamingo with 25-30 MPH headwinds trying to make it back in. Of course the winds didn't kick up until after we got to where we were going.

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