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Old 03-08-2013, 01:21 PM
bryanemtp bryanemtp is offline
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Default Fishing from a Jon

Hey guys, I am new to the forum and just bought my first boat. I bought a 14ft Aluminum Boat w/ a 9.9hp Johnson on the back. I am from around the Collins River and Caney Fork. I was wondering if you guys had any good spots in/or close to these rivers that are good spots to launch and catch some good fish without getting run over by the bigger bass boats. Any help would be greatly appreciated such as types of fish in these areas, what to fish with, and areas to target. Thanks in advance and hope to be able to provide some news about these areas to this forum.
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Old 03-08-2013, 04:03 PM
old sailor old sailor is offline
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Originally Posted by bryanemtp View Post
Hey guys, I am new to the forum and just bought my first boat. I bought a 14ft Aluminum Boat w/ a 9.9hp Johnson on the back. I am from around the Collins River and Caney Fork. I was wondering if you guys had any good spots in/or close to these rivers that are good spots to launch and catch some good fish without getting run over by the bigger bass boats. Any help would be greatly appreciated such as types of fish in these areas, what to fish with, and areas to target. Thanks in advance and hope to be able to provide some news about these areas to this forum.
The VFW in mcminnville is a good place to load up on smallies , black perch and muskies. Depending on the flow you can motor up to the barren fork confluence and fish down below the railroad bridge to where Charles creek comes in. lovely stretch of water. Welcome
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