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Old 02-12-2013, 07:28 PM
nofish nofish is offline
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Angry Boat trouble self inflicted arghhhh

Ive had this boat for about 2 years now and I decided it was time to take care of an ongoing little quirk that wouldve eventually ruined a fishing trip. When I first got the boat it was slow to start every now and then so I replaced the starter, thought it was fixed, but it still acted funny starting every now and then kinda like it wasnt getting enough power so I replaced the battery and cleaned up all of the connections. It still acted up every now and then, I started to think maybe the solenoid , but never replaced it cause it would always start. I ordered a solenoid off of ebay and put it on today. In the process I noticed the power terminal on the starter was about to fall off so I tightened it, finished putting on the solenoid and went to crank it. When I cranked it it made a funny sound and the wire started smoking and melted the battery post. When I originally replacedt he starter 2 years ago and found out it wasnt bad I put the old one back in so I had a good spare to put back in today when this happened. I put the new one in and it was dragging. What the hell is going on? I thought maybe I messed up the battery and I didnt have my voltmeter with me so I went and bought a new battery, charged the new battery to 100% and its not any better. With the battery at 14v when I crank the motor its dropping to 8_10v at the battery and both sides of the solenoid. is there anything else that could be going on or is it going to be my starter? So much for fishing this weekend!!!!

Last edited by nofish; 02-12-2013 at 07:32 PM.
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Old 02-12-2013, 07:38 PM
nofish nofish is offline
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The new starter is a caltric I got from ebay for 60_70 bucks. It sounded great compared to $300+ for a new factory starter. If the consensus ends up being a starter does anyone know where I can get a good used one locally? Its a 90hp 1984 mercury inline 6.
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Old 02-13-2013, 12:34 AM
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Cool sent a private message ... <'TK><

Need more info ... <'TK>

Last edited by tkwalker; 02-13-2013 at 02:27 AM.
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