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Old 09-22-2012, 03:00 PM
commdd commdd is offline
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Default trout magnet tutorial/caney fork

I was at the caney for a few days and i know the water was high but I bet I saw at least 100 trout surface near where i was. i caught 1 14" brown and two stocker brookies. seemed like the fish were short striking and out of 12 or so strikes i had only hooked five and only landed 3. those of you more experienced at the caney and trout and trout magnet fishing could you please comment about how to be more effective and have a higher hook up and landing percentage. thanks.
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Old 09-22-2012, 07:47 PM
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Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
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Originally Posted by commdd View Post
I was at the caney for a few days and i know the water was high but I bet I saw at least 100 trout surface near where i was. i caught 1 14" brown and two stocker brookies. seemed like the fish were short striking and out of 12 or so strikes i had only hooked five and only landed 3. those of you more experienced at the caney and trout and trout magnet fishing could you please comment about how to be more effective and have a higher hook up and landing percentage. thanks.
Fishing the Trout Magnet in heavy water.....meaning when they are very difficult to do....but not impossible. If the trout are rising you need to try the Magnet under a float about 6 inches under the water. You can also try adding one size B split shot about 12 to 18 inches above the Magnet. As for increasing your hook up that will come with experience. On days I have caught 100 tout on the Trout Magnet I will have missed maybe 50....or more. I have only fished for trout with the Trout Magnet and crank baits. Friday I only caught I think 3 fish but missed 3 also. I think the misses just go with trout fishing. I had a big Brown knock the fire out of my crank bait with XCalibur XT3 hooks and yet no hook up.....and those hooks will bite you. You will have far more success with the Trout Magnet during periods of no generation. If you have more questions feel free to PM me.....tonight I would have given more advice but am fighting all this pollen in the air.

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