In an ideal scenario where the Dam is complete, flows back, cold water there when needed and with current regs the river should be mentioned in the same breath as other primo southeast tailwaters again.
But a couple factors I am waiting to see:
1) How much runoff ends up in the river from all the construction and its effect.
2) Once the Dam is finished and "no more leaks" what will the min flow be? Right now its a little more than the 250cfs including the leaks from the bluffs and where ever else.
I'd say bump the min to 500cfs. That will make wading in some areas uncomfortable for some people but man it would be tremendous for the river.
As far as the rainbows... bring back the 30 inchers
I personally think the regs will help grow some big browns on top of what is in there now but the ones it's really going to boost is the rainbows. There is going to be some fish with big shoulders on them once everything is back to normal.