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Old 07-29-2012, 08:13 AM
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Default Family visiting from NOLA

Took my dad and my brother catfishing Friday night..They are visiting here in Tennessee from New Orleans..Took them to my honey hole and it was really slow going..Got a good hit right off the bat but missed him..I only target big fish so we didn't even try to catch the little dinks..Then nothing for 1hr and finally got a hit and hung him..Passed the pole to my brother to reel in (my brother is blind)..Took him a while to net him, he made a few good runs and was peeling off the line like crazy..He came in at 32lbs, a blue cat...My dad hung one and we got him in close enough to see he was about a 15-20lb flathead but he spit the hook right at the bank..Then right before we were ready to head back to the house I hung another one, got him close enough to see this one was a blue bout 30lbs and he popped the line at the hook..Just missed him..All and all it was a good night..We all at least hung into a fish and my brother got to catch the biggest catfish he's ever caught..
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Old 07-29-2012, 10:12 AM
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Awesome catfish.
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