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Old 03-15-2012, 06:47 PM
Alphahawk's Avatar
Alphahawk Alphahawk is offline
Master Trout Magnet
Join Date: Jul 2011
Location: Columbia, TN
Age: 73
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Default Nickajack 3-15-2012

Another great day at Nickajack.....a limit of 15 fish from 13 to 15 inches long...the girth on these fish is quite large also. Going to have to start taking better pics.....get home late and just get too tired to spread them out....although I was on my way back home today at noon. Had my limit by 11:00AM but hung around for another hour trying to get a 3 pounder...LOL. The fish are up shallow. Find any bay and fish about 2 feet from the about 4 foot deep. Still no blood in the eggs...although water temps were 61 degrees at surface. Caught quite a few large Bluegill today also....the Gills are becoming quite active and getting bigger each time down. Thinking about going again tommorw...but not sure. TV blew up today and am picking up two new Jackson Coosas next Wednesday so no money for new one right now...might as well go fishing...LOL.

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Old 03-15-2012, 08:09 PM
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You are absolutely Black Crappie King! I would be honored to fish with you anytime!
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