The Rock bass population is still strong in many streams I fish. I saw a 14 incher taken 3 weeks ago it was pushing 2 pounds.The old gentleman that caught it tossed it back in and said that was a good un(back to crappie fishing he went). We catch a lot of 10 inchers in the summer. I like to release them and if I or a client want to keep them I like to keep the 5 to 6 inchers. Yes, it is work to clean them but worth it. Now I would not mind the limit being reduced to 10. One Stream I fished as a kid in Williamson County has lost its population though and that, I believe, is due to the Sewer System runnin out of the man holes from time to time. Some of the feeder creeks had sewer run down the channels and have no water in the summer. Water runs under and along the sewer line I guess. I walked a stretch ( I fished as a kid) and did not see minnows last summer and that was disturbing.
Center Hill has a good population we catch them on crawdads in the summer but I have yet to find them bunched up. Like I can in the streams.
As fars as big crappie, I wonder if we would see more two and 3 pounders in Priest if it went down to 15 instead of 30.