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Old 01-23-2012, 11:09 PM
Adough Adough is offline
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Default Kite fishing

This is something else! The process in and of itself spellbinding and the photography is beautiful. (I couldn't quite get the link to display correctly so I added another, hope it works.)

<iframe src=";byline=0&amp;portrait=0" width="400" height="220" frameborder="0" webkitAllowFullScreen mozallowfullscreen allowFullScreen></iframe><p><a href="">Kite fishing</a> from <a href="">Jonathan Clay</a> on <a href="">Vimeo</a>.</p>
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Old 01-24-2012, 01:50 PM
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Reel Tune Reel Tune is offline
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Very peaceful. I don't know if I would remove the silk thread lik that though.
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Old 01-24-2012, 02:29 PM
Travis C. Travis C. is offline
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So they are like gar....hmm anyone up for some of that on the Cumby?

My cousin is from Curacao which is NE off of South America. He grew up fishing with a hook, line and a soda bottle. They'd poke a hole in the back of the bottle and tie the line off to something that won't pull through. Then, push the line into the bottle leaving just the hook exposed where the cap would be. He gave us a how-to "cast" one day. He'd spin it around like a lasso and flip it out the line would shoot out like off a spinning reel.

Craziest thing I ever seen...
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Old 01-24-2012, 02:36 PM
txnative txnative is offline
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That's how you catch rig up the needlefish for trolling and go chase kingfish offshore or 'cuda's on the flats!

Incidentally, a few years back, Atlantic needlefish showed up at the Cumberland city steam plant. They are tough to hook, but rope "gar flies" worked similar to the silk-lure. I thought they were annoying, till the stripers started keying on them as prey. Never tried it myself, but I saw some decent fish caught. The needlefish were averaging 8"-10" long, nowhere near the size of the ones in the vid, but otherwise identical.

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