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Old 10-24-2011, 08:17 PM
clean air
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Default Rule Change

Did anybody post what happened at the rule meeting?I may have missed it the post.
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Old 10-25-2011, 02:26 PM
bd- bd- is offline
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Hendersonville
Age: 51
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I have been trying to post an update of what happened at the TWRC meeting but I have just been too busy. Since I haven't had time to do a long, detailed post, here is at least a short summary:

1. The guide license proposal for tailwater trout guides has been taken off the table. The Agency wants to do more study of who's using the river and what impact they're having before they start singling out anybody for regulation.

2. There was an intense discussion of the issue about opening new waters for commercial gill netting of paddlefish. Several people spoke out about concerns that it would badly impact the striper fishery, especially in the Cumberland above Hwy 109. I also spoke up to express concern that opening new waters will drain the resources of TWRA - biologists and wildlife officers will spend their time monitoring that fishery when I'd rather have them safeguarding our sport fisheries. Several commercial fishermen stood up to express their intense desire to have new waters to fish.

The Commission is taking no action for now on opening new waters, until further study is done.

However, it looks like this issue is likely to come up again for discussion in the next Commission Meeting on December 8 and 9. Between now and then, if you are concerned about this issue, you need to contact the Commissioners and let them know, because you can be sure the commercial fishermen are doing so.

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Old 10-25-2011, 08:13 PM
clean air
Posts: n/a

Did they change the trophy cat law of only one per day over 34inches? I sure hope not! Thank you BD.
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