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Old 09-20-2011, 07:46 AM
creeksmallie's Avatar
creeksmallie creeksmallie is offline
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Default Center Hill

The last 2 weeks we have been able to get to Sligo 3 afternoons. Fishing crawdads and nightcrawlwers on the steep bluffs (15' to 30') The spots have been very active fishing this pattern. We also have been trolling Bandit 300s (anything with chartreuse) catching a variety of fish of shallow gravel points. Jackie caught this huge shellcracker while trolling. Center Hill will only get better as the temps cool down. I have a few dates available for October so give us a shout if you want to learn about Center Hill.
Sunday we fished from 11 to 4 with crawfish on the steep banks catching 4 smallies and 13 Spots. I lost a huge smaliie off a steep point in 17 foot of water. The action seems to be getting better. Mike Dial
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File Type: jpg sept spot.jpg (146.0 KB, 86 views)
File Type: jpg sept shellcracker.jpg (197.6 KB, 90 views)
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Old 09-20-2011, 05:34 PM
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Greasy Ham Greasy Ham is offline
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That is a rather large shellcracker. Bet that was a fun trip. Heck there all fun trips ain't they?
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Old 09-20-2011, 10:00 PM
Foundationman 1
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Default Foundationman 1

Those are some great pictures, I caught my 1 st small mouth last saturady about 7 am on top water plug, it went a little over 3 lb's. I would love to expand to other lakes as I spend every waking hour on Cordell Hull. where would you recomend that I launch a small boat on this lake?
I am looking for a secrue location if possabile without having to travel 30 miles to get to a good spot on the water, Ihave a 10' rather slow boat.

Thanks for any help and info, if you are like me I perfer to keep my "honey holes" private, however I would be willing to trade my Cordell Hull large mouth bass spots where I am regularualy landing 3-8 lb's for a few good spots on another lake. I would perfer that we just share info and use the "Southern Gentleman" aggrement which is what I was brought up on, "a mans word is his bond"
Thanks for anyinfo you can provide. if you perfer I can be reached at

Thanks again
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Old 09-21-2011, 12:33 AM
Reel Tune's Avatar
Reel Tune Reel Tune is offline
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Looks like Center Hill is treating you well, that's one place I haven't fished. That is a monster Shellcracker, and it's hard to beat a Bandit crank.
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Old 09-21-2011, 07:36 PM
creeksmallie's Avatar
creeksmallie creeksmallie is offline
Stream Smallmouth Guide
Join Date: Apr 2004
Posts: 284

Since the heavy boat traffic is about gone for the summer, I would put in at Hurricane Boat ramp (One by the bridge not boat dock). Head across lake fish points going into big hurricane and bluffs.Indian Creek,Holmes Creek,Johnsons Chapel, Eagle Creek are also good spots. 10ft boats will not do well during weekend in the summers though.There are some boaters whom use poor judgement on the weekends. You can go out but get off lake by 10am.
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