I've got a buddy that has a Nucanoe he seems to like it, but he is probably 250+, and well over 6'3" or 6'4". He often takes his daughter out, and this craft gives them enough room for them both. It would be more suited to use oars to move yourself around because of it's width. I also wouldn't want to paddle it upstream very far, but for downstream floats it wouldn't be bad. A few months ago my wife and I had dinner Blake (President of Nucanoe) and his wife Deanna they are good people, we had a great dinner, and talked about everything. He takes criticism well, and they are widly used in streams and rivers up in the Northwest where they are from. Nucanoe is a good product, from a great company. It's just not my cup of tea, as I prefer more kayak style and a small craft that's easier to paddle, and manuver.