To my knowledge only the US Coast Guard can close a water way. I could be wrong. Like the flood of last year it the area lakes were only closed for a brief time due to debris and strong undertow from the gates being full blown.
Last I heard at this time there were no intentions of them closing.
Not sure if the other ramps have reopened. I doubt it with the water level where it is still. But long hunters boat ramp is open and pretty accessible. Put out there this afternoon in fact.
My Gf works at Fate Sanders and they are going back to work this thursday. Last I checked last week the water where you pull in was over the road 3-5 feet in the middle of the road. It has to drop fully for them to open so they must be lowering the lake substantually.
I haven't been out there, will check it out Monday, but the Corps web site that previously said that all ramps were closed except for Hamilton Creek now only mentions a few day use areas that are closed. Hopefully I can get back out there.