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Old 03-08-2011, 05:38 PM
rick mcferrin
Posts: n/a
Default Tims Ford 3-8-2011

Tim's Ford 3-8-2011
All pictures can be viewed on my site. David Honey and I met at 7:30am and fished until the rain hit about 1:00pm. Water temps had fallen as well as the air temps as the day progressed. We caught fish on the following. Rapala DT6 BlueGill, Rapala Bleeding Chartreuse #5 Shad Rap and a 3/8 oz Terminator Spinner Bait. We lost 2 one other good fish and had several shorts as well. Unless the weather get's real bad I have trips on Thursday and Friday and will up date you then. Keep moving and stay in the wind. Rick McFerrin
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