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Old 08-03-2020, 11:27 PM
Alan 54 Alan 54 is offline
Join Date: Aug 2019
Location: Columbia
Posts: 167
Default Well now I am in the hospital. The horse is fine

Well, I'm in the hospital. �� This has not been a good day. After spending the last 5 months quarantined inside the house, limited contact with my family or friends since March ......enough is enough. So I decided to go for a horseback ride with a good friend. �� Something I haven't done for a long time. It turned out to be a horrible mistake! I got on the horse and I started out slowly, but then it got crazy windy. I went faster and faster and before I knew it, I was going as fast as that horse could go. I couldn't take the pace and fell off, but caught my pants on the stirrup. I was being dragged and was bouncing all over the place. The horse just would not stop!

Thankfully the manager at Dollar General came running out and unplugged the machine. Then he actually had the nerve to take the rest of my quarters and my bottle of Tequila ,so I wouldn't try to ride the damn fire truck or clown car. ��
I have a few scrapes and bruises but nothing's broken. I will wear a helmet next time.
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