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Old 04-04-2020, 09:47 PM
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agelesssone agelesssone is offline
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Default Jpp 4/4/2020

Went to 7 Points boat launch before dawn this morning, I was sixth boat in line to launch.
As usual, you had guys backing down the ramp with their headlights on (bass tournament guys, no less).
Three boat ramp never had more than two boats at a time due to guys leaving six feet of space to the edge of the ramp.
Made it into the water and headed for open water, wanted to try trolling crankbaits for a change
Trolled for two hours and caught two small white bass.
Picked up a buddy and headed for a crappie brushpile. Fished with jigs for about an hour, catching 8 crappie, only three keepers.
Moved over to Smith Springs to salvage the day, fishing for whites and yellows , jigging spoons.
Fished 35-38 FOW all the time, fish were deep.
Caught about 80 fish on a variety of spoons, blade baits and ice jigs (jigging raps).
Left about one, having to be home for the daughter when mom went to work.
My friend took home a double limit of big white bass cause his wife asked him to bring home some fresh fish. Had a serious mess of fish.
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Old 04-05-2020, 06:31 AM
FishAddict FishAddict is offline
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Thanks for the report
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