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Old 01-29-2018, 10:28 AM
Joshthebadbear Joshthebadbear is offline
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Default Oh my Goodness !

Hell of a subject title for a one fish day but . . . <g>

Friday a buddy of mine and I went to Carthage and launched just below the Caney. I've never caught a trout so he said we should go give it a whirl. Well I still haven't but it was a fun day. First cast of the day with a little minnow swimbait I caught a small bass at the mouth. Rest of Caney was a nice site seeing trip. Surprised the water was so deep (10 -18 ft n places) for about 2-3 miles up river. Water was screaming through there though. It was a nice exploring trip though.

Reason I'm posting is becauses we then ran to Cordell Dam and then down river all the way to Rome ramp. Some great looking water, islands, feeder streams. Never hear anyone talking about this stretch so wondering if there's a good bass population there. We went as far down as Nuclear power plant and then drove back late in afternoon.

But I did want to share this with the group. It may be old news new to me. On the way downstream I saw a feeder creek on the Lowrance. As we pulled up to it the water looked an Aqua color, like the kind you see some times in borrow pits along the highways. Well, it wasn't the water that was colored it was the bottom! We pulled into Peyton creek, looked fantastic but the shocking thing was that it was gin clear. 6ft of water we could see bottom like it was the bottom of the bath tub! Beautiful little place. Haven't seen water like it except in Northern Wisc./Mich.

May be old news to you guys but in case it wasn't wanted to share. Looks like a lot of nice water to explore come this season and wondering if any of you have any thoughts or insights. Ok hope this contributed a little to the site. Enjoy reading all your posts. Have a great week.

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Old 01-29-2018, 08:41 PM
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TnCreekMaster TnCreekMaster is offline
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Man you covered some water it's 15 miles from Rome to Carthage, yeah that is one of the prettiest stretches on old hick, it does fish well for bass, walleye, sauger, striper and white bass but timing is everything, this time of year if the water is at least 5ft or over you can bet the fish will stack up in creek mouths and eddys, the higher the better for me this time of year. If you want to catch some trout go below center hill and either bank fish or bring a boat when the generation schedule allows, there are so many brookies down there in the pond, I even saw a guy throwing a lipless crank in the boils and he was doing well, i went yesterday and caught 8 kept 4 in a few hours down by the pvc pipes on the campground side.

Hope that might help.

Last edited by TnCreekMaster; 01-29-2018 at 08:59 PM.
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Old 02-05-2018, 06:23 PM
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Smile Beautiful River <'TK><

It is 21 miles from the Cordell Hull Dam (Mile marker 313) to the Rome Access (MM 292). Another 29 miles to Hunters Point (MM 263) a total of 50 miles from the CH Dam ... Some of the best fishing with less pressure most of the time and a beautiful cruise in the Fall Colors ... Thanks for the post ... <'TK><
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Old 02-18-2018, 09:33 AM
Joshthebadbear Joshthebadbear is offline
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Default Thanks TK

I'd rather fish in less traffic waters and catch only a few fish than fish in crowds. A large part of it for me is just being out on the water and enjoying the beauty of a section of water. Will definitely give it a go this spring. Ran into some health issues but hopefully as soon as they are resolved will head over. Thanks for your iinfo.
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