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Old 10-23-2016, 09:24 AM
agelesssone's Avatar
agelesssone agelesssone is offline
Join Date: Jan 2012
Location: Goodlettsville, TN
Posts: 2,588
Default Percy Priest drawdown

It seems they are a little late this year.....

  • Q: When does the lake drawdown occur and when is the water level raised again?
    A: The J. Percy Priest drawdown typically begins in late September or early October at typical summer pool elevation between 489.5 and 490.5 feet above mean sea level (msl). The drawdown will continue until late November or early December to a winter pool elevation of approximately 483 feet above msl. The lake elevation will remain at winter pool until early March, when the lake elevation is gradually returned to summer pool. Lake elevations can fluctuate during this period because of seasonal rainfalls and other inflows.
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