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Old 09-23-2016, 06:18 PM
eksfish eksfish is offline
Join Date: Feb 2008
Location: Nashville
Posts: 150
Default Tims Ford Hybrids

Had a great day on Tims yesterday, got there at day break launching from the State Park. Tried the areas down around the Dam and Lost Creek early it was a little slow. Caught two small 4-5 lb hybrids early but wasn't marking much bait(compared to a week ago). Moved up stream, focusing on the mouths of the creeks. didn't take long caught five nice size 8 and 9 lbs fairly quickly, then things broke loose. Multiple hook ups. finally went to pulling just one u-rig so I could stop the boat, land the fish, release and do it again. All Hybrids.
Quit fishing when I hung up my u-rig at 1:00, most fish were caught between 11 am-1pm. (had a u-rig retriever and saved $30) Pontoon Navy was out in force all trolling!
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