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Old 10-20-2015, 08:46 PM
troutspin troutspin is offline
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Default Drifting the Caney

Finally got a boat, 16 ft Carolina Skiff w/15hp. Stripped it down and did a full restore. Got it just the way I want it. Been lake fishing while getting accustomed to it, but now am ready to take it to the Caney. Waded the Caney plenty, but never had a boat on it. Any advice/suggestions/warnings are appreciated. Not sure if I want to put in at the dam, or possibly in the Gordansville area (closer for me).
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Old 10-21-2015, 05:18 PM
StriperFan StriperFan is offline
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Unless your boat can go real shallow, which it sounds like it can. Don't go downstream and plan on going back up when the water is low. My best chance in my 19' is going up stream while the water is high but starting to fall, then floating back down with the falling water, or even low water. I have done this with good success. There are several extreme shallow spots on the Caney when it is dead low. You can float down over most anything with the motor up, but it will dig in trying to go upstream against current.
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Old 10-21-2015, 05:25 PM
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riverhawkluke riverhawkluke is offline
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Up by the dam and the first 6 mile stretch down to Happy hollow is very shallow under no generation. Many spots along the drift will be under 3", I have made the float in my riverhawk B-60 under no generation, but I had to get out once and pull it through a 25 yard stretch until it got a little deeper. you could easily make the drift while they are generating. I have seen a bunch of aluminum boats out during generation lately. However, I would stay away from the pond as they are sluicing madly. The current will be fast, but if you were going to try it out under generation, I would recommend doing a practice run of sorts before fishing it. Practice floating down and getting back up safely before you distract yourself with fish. I don't know if that helps, but hopefully it does!
Tight Lines!

Luke Byerly
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Old 10-21-2015, 06:26 PM
troutspin troutspin is offline
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Thanks for the responses. Exactly the advise I was looking for.
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Old 10-25-2015, 02:57 PM
troutspin troutspin is offline
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OK, survived my first trip out in the skiff yesterday. Basically, determined I'm good going upstream in anything over 2 feet (although, that's "living on the edge" for the well being of my prop).
Still trying to understand the generation flow. To use tomorrow as an example, they are going to run one generator beginning at 9:00, after a weekend of little to no generation. So, under that scenario, would I be good putting in at happy about 11:30, motoring up to the dam and then drifting back down? Just trying to see if understand the rise/fallout times correctly.
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Old 10-25-2015, 04:29 PM
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Yes, that should work fairly well the water should be at happy by that time.

Don't know if you can install a trolling motor on your Skiff or not, but if you are drifting during generation they are very helpful. I have a 10 Hp tiller and a front mounted trolling motor on my 15' Jon and it lets me have great control from moving from side to side and dodging limb overhangs.

Andy ImageUploadedByTapatalk1445808550.610088.jpg
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Old 10-25-2015, 06:37 PM
troutspin troutspin is offline
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Yes, have a trolling motor. Worked well yesterday. Thanks!
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