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Old 08-05-2013, 05:12 PM
Transplanted Sportsman Transplanted Sportsman is offline
Join Date: Jul 2012
Location: Bedford County TN
Posts: 742

Originally Posted by Alphahawk View Post
They are working on some. He is almost ready with the new crank bait that will be molded from the old XCalibur jerk bait but have the Brown Trout colors and other colors from his current line of cranks....I am really excited about that is a great bait for browns. The color that most...including myself would like to see is difficult to make in the Trout Magnet.....the Killer Klatt. I don't know about molding baits but for some reason that color is hard to get that small. Will let you know when he gets other colors out.

That is great news Alpha!, I know that after my fishing trip with Roy to the Caney I scoured the internet to find some of those Excaliburs, very hard to find and very expensive as well, I hope Leland makes the rainbow trout patern on this crank/jerk bait will be great to try on big trout waters!
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