[QUOTE=lforet2002;79496]Thats awesome. Glad ya'll caught em. I got just about every color in the flicker shad and yes the pearl chartruese is probably my second favorite color out there..We couldn't keep those yellow bass from hitting ours but we did manage a few good fish. Surprised we didn't catch any sauger this time.. Then we saw some activity on the drop in front of the ramp, shad were getting smashed by whites with a few largmouth mixed in. Threw a whopper plopper into all the commotion and slayed em.. 15-16" whites were hitting like crazy. Anyways always happy to help.
Yessir! You can't beat action like that. I know we would have pulled in 50 or more if we didn't have to constantly stop with boats sitting in the path we were Auto trolling with the Xi5. It's OK though, every time we stopped we'd either get one with a Carolina or a Dropshot. We only managed about 5 yellows and whites the other 15-20 were largemouths. Never found the Stripers I was looking for, but fun nonetheless