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Old 08-28-2022, 05:33 PM
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tkwalker tkwalker is offline
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Question Medical Update


Well, The verdict is in. Most of you know I had a kidney removed 2 years & 9 months ago.. The Cancer I have is called Sarcomatoid Renal Carcinoma. The Survival rate average in a 5 year bracket is 76%. Well since the removal, I have had a couple of lesions radiated with success during this time span. But over the past four months I have been slowly losing my appetite to the degree that it has added up to the loss of 35 pounds of weight. (As most of you know I had to Place my Bride of 57 years in a Dementia care facility this past month.) Well I contributed this weight loss do to stress levels dealing with the decisions that I had to face. But now at the same time I started having stomach pains similar to appendicitis. Well this past week they have got really bad to the point that I will force myself to eat every two or three days with little success by taking three or four bites and then pushing it back. Since I don't cook My pet Possum really looks forward to my "Outback steak left overs" . I have even lost the desire for my after dinner delight of my daily "Miller High Life" or my two fingers of "Glenlivet Single Malt Scotch" and lastly my one Custom Imported Cigar. I went to my Oncologist Tuesday to see what was going on. The next thing I knew I was in an Ambulance headed to the ER under his instructions. And that is still where I am in the Intensive Care Unit writing this note. The verdict is I have a small nodule attached to either my colon or small Intestine. After two days of lab and culture results they discovered an infection in the nodule near my small intestine. But they still want to move some cameras down the throat and up the exhaust pipe to make sure. Cancer has pretty much been ruled out by 99%. Now that the infection has been defined they have started injecting me with a stout, specific antibiotic which may totally kill it. Now the down side. An operation to remove the nodule from either the colon or the small intestine would be to invasive and could not be performed. It would be worse than the kidney removal surgery which other organs had to removed or moved and replaced to remove the kidney. So hopefully the the antibiotic will do the trick and get my appetite back without causing any other issues with the stomach. As stated above, most of you know I had to Place my Bride of 57 years in a Dementia care facility this past month. Now with that said I have had a lot of Physical Pain during my life span but nothing hurts like the pain from the Heart. I called the facility today and checked on her activities and her overall well being and feelings. I feel she is happy. I could not really take care of her daily activities and food here at home. The administrator said she was having fun and actually teaching folks how to dance. On a daily basis they have music, bingo, and on occasion, they hire one man bands that perform at night in bars on Music Row in Nashville and entertain as well as Karaoke. She has met a number of new friends and eats with them in the dinning room and has set up a great activity, eating and sleep schedule, I feel with her mind set she is very happy more so than home. Now she still knows everyone and enjoys it when you visit. But now I feel like she enjoys it when you leave because you are interrupting her play time .. LOL !! 🥰

Last edited by tkwalker; 08-28-2022 at 05:38 PM.
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Old 09-01-2022, 11:05 PM
Flatline Flatline is offline
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Praying for you...
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