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Old 09-18-2016, 11:39 PM
metaniumxg metaniumxg is offline
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Default Frustrating day at Caney Fork below the dam

I was fishing below the dam at the bottom of the steps today between 12-3 pm. the water was very low and clear, walking down I could actually see the bottom clear and where it drops off right before it gets to the dam. Lots of carp swimming around, a few drum, saw a small bass. When I got to the bottom I started seeing huge trout! I though they were carp at first they were so big! There were at least 4 - 5 that were approaching 20 inches and a couple that looked every bit of 2 foot and over 5lbs. These big trout seemed to congregate right in front of me within 10 foot of the bank. I threw everything I could at them and could only get a couple of chases on a fast retrieve that ended with the fish turning away at the last second. I couldnt even get the smaller in experienced ones to bite lol. Saw plenty jumping out of the water and saw the biggest one pop his head out of the water to eat something on the surface.. Anyone have any tips on how to snag one of those big boys? I threw a white trout magnet, bitsy minnow, LC pointer jerkbaits, ultra small cranks.. varied up my retrieve.. nothing lol It actually seemed like they were staging up right in that area, possibly expecting the generators to run and bring some food their way because I saw no minnows in the water.
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Old 09-19-2016, 12:08 AM
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Those big boys are pretty much impossible to catch on low water. When trout get that big, they feed only a few select times, and conditions have to be just right. These conditions are pretty much impossible to predict, time on the water during several different conditions is pretty much the only way to Hope you are around when they decide to feed. But sorry to say, when they are that shallow, with a high sun on low water, they pretty much will not eat.

Keep Livin' the Dream!

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Old 09-19-2016, 07:20 AM
lupanfreitag lupanfreitag is offline
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Default Saturday

Caught a few 17-18 inches fish. It was slow but I had my wife with me and limited my ability to fish as much as I would have liked.

As Mike noted, right after and even just before generation I've caught some huge fish. As the water drops they are cleaning up the few remaining stunned baitfish. I've only caught them during low water no generation in November and December in the evening. Surprisingly, they will still hit top water in the cold temps.

Good fishing.
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Old 09-19-2016, 10:13 AM
metaniumxg metaniumxg is offline
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Thanks guys, I may just bring some corn and a float as a backup lol. I also knew those big ones didn't get so big by being stupid.
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Old 09-19-2016, 10:32 AM
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I lost a big rainbow yesterday (maybe 4lbs) a short distance from the dam. I was moving through some current in the kayak, and he was pulling line as I was moving past him. Wrapped up in a tree limb. I beached the boat to go recover him, and got my lure back without the fish attached. Thrilling experience nonetheless.
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Old 09-19-2016, 10:55 AM
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I fly fished the Caney on Saturday and Sunday (my wife is not thrilled with me).

On Saturday the water was clear. I probably landed about 25 trout, all on zebra midges. I saw a few massive rainbows and they were not interested in feeding (water was low).

Yesterday was a lot tougher. The water at Happy Hollow was muddy from the recent rain and the trout ignored all the midges I presented to them However, once I switched to a black wooley bugger, the game was on. When they cooled off on that, I switched to an olive bugger and it was back on. They were biting really softly -- often I barely felt a little pressure and then set the hook.

Great day. Such a bummer to have to head home...but I do enjoy being married.
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Old 09-19-2016, 11:17 AM
lupanfreitag lupanfreitag is offline
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Default Marry a river

I've done that. I also suffered.

Unfortunately you can't marry a river.... at least not yet.
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Old 09-19-2016, 03:34 PM
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Took my son in law Sunday in the off and on down pours. He is new to fishing and wanted to go so we grabbed the rain gear and made the trip. He caught he first 4 trout of his life so it was worth it. He had other Hook ups but they spit the lure. We caught about 12 or so in under 2 hours. The lighting started and we had no choice but to leave. Only used small jerk baits and they were pretty active with em. All Brook trout but one.

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Old 09-20-2016, 07:44 PM
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I've been fishing the rest stop mostly. There are some really deep holes over there. For the last month that I have been going I've seen at least 1 big fish landed by someone there. Including the 20" brown I caught 2 weekends ago, I seen a guy with a monster bow that had to be 24". One weekend I was there and was getting ready to leave, when I got to the trail to the parking lot this guy fishing there had his pole bent in half. So I stuck around and watched as he reeled in a big bow well over 20"..It got me motivated to stick around a little longer and I ended up landing a nice 17" bow just a few minutes later. I've fished by the dam before and I did catch a 23" bow down there early in the summer but since then all the fish I've caught down there and at Happy Hollow were small fish. It just seems to me that I catch bigger trout at the rest stop. Most of the fish I catch there are 14" and up.. It really sucked I couldn't make it to the river this past weekend cause I was sick as a dog, but I hope to get back out there this coming weekend.
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Old 09-20-2016, 08:31 PM
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Originally Posted by lforet2002 View Post
I've been fishing the rest stop mostly. There are some really deep holes over there. For the last month that I have been going I've seen at least 1 big fish landed by someone there. Including the 20" brown I caught 2 weekends ago, I seen a guy with a monster bow that had to be 24". One weekend I was there and was getting ready to leave, when I got to the trail to the parking lot this guy fishing there had his pole bent in half. So I stuck around and watched as he reeled in a big bow well over 20"..It got me motivated to stick around a little longer and I ended up landing a nice 17" bow just a few minutes later. I've fished by the dam before and I did catch a 23" bow down there early in the summer but since then all the fish I've caught down there and at Happy Hollow were small fish. It just seems to me that I catch bigger trout at the rest stop. Most of the fish I catch there are 14" and up.. It really sucked I couldn't make it to the river this past weekend cause I was sick as a dog, but I hope to get back out there this coming weekend.

Do you park at the rest stop and walk to the river. Or are you parking where that old abandoned hotel is right before you get on the interstate? I've seen some cars parked on the side of the road several times.

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Old 09-21-2016, 07:50 AM
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Originally Posted by Dakota View Post
Do you park at the rest stop and walk to the river. Or are you parking where that old abandoned hotel is right before you get on the interstate? I've seen some cars parked on the side of the road several times.

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There is parking just for fisherman at the rest atop.
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Old 09-22-2016, 06:57 PM
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Originally Posted by lforet2002 View Post
There is parking just for fisherman at the rest atop.

Just don't park down there at night or the security guard will run you off.
Trout don't bite at night anyways. 😎

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Old 09-22-2016, 07:18 PM
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Originally Posted by TroutFiend View Post
Just don't park down there at night or the security guard will run you off.
Trout don't bite at night anyways. 😎

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Yep, I know. I got run off once early before the sun came up.
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Old 09-23-2016, 06:52 AM
lupanfreitag lupanfreitag is offline
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Default Night Bite

Yes, trout never bite at night. Especially in the summer months. Do not go to the dam in the summer or spring. It is a dead zone.

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