08-20-2016, 01:02 PM
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New to Tennessee
Hello fellow fisherman!
I'd like to introduce myself. Everyone can call me Neno.
So my short story is. I'm originally from Minnesota, I just moved to Nashville a couple of weeks ago from Indiana where I lived for about 6 months. I use to fish almost every weekend when I lived in MN, and I haven't fished much since.
I have found out that its extremely hard to get to know a new area and people for getting out and wetting a line. Thought Id try this.
I'm looking to possibly buy a boat in the future, but want to experience the area first to see what and how I like to fish down here. Not looking for secret spots, just some places to start out shore fishing. Also I've know people that have offered up a empty seat in a boat for a day out on the water and its worked out very well. I have a truck, I'm willing to pull a boat, pay for gas/lunch/bait etc. if anyone has an empty seat and would be willing to share some time out on the water. I'd love to make some new fishing friends!
Anyway, any information would be much appreciated!
Cheers! And as a buddy use to razz "Rod tip up! Don't Horse'em!"

08-20-2016, 01:50 PM
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Well....you've done it now. Neno you will find that there are a number of northern transplant guys here. Mid-Tn offers every species you had up north for the most part. Pending your location most dams will provide you with fantastic fishing and I'm sure you will find many opportunities to fish with some of our members. Welcome.

08-20-2016, 02:06 PM
Join Date: Jul 2009
Location: Hendersonville
Posts: 104
Originally Posted by Nenoshabs
Not looking for secret spots, just some places to start out shore fishing.
Anyway, any information would be much appreciated!
If you are interested in fishing Old Hickory Lake around the Hendersonville area , I have some in-depth articles on my blog-site listed below. A lot of good shore fishing in Hendersonville.
 I've been doing so much with so little for so long now that I can practically do anything with nothing.
More info about Hendersonville and Old Hickory lake fishing at my site: http://myhendersonvilletn.com/

08-20-2016, 02:51 PM
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Where did you live in MN? I lived in Waconia, about 30 miles west of Minneapolis for 30 years
Keep Livin' the Dream!

08-20-2016, 04:45 PM
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Mike thats awesome! I grew up in Lester Prairie. I assume you know where that is, but I've been surprised before... its about 15 miles further west on Hwy 7. I fished lake Waconia enough to have some decent spots, but usually saved my fishing time for trips.
I appreciate the warm welcome! I did get out for a little bit today, fishing Percy Priest dam area... no luck, seems the area I fished below the dam the water is pretty low, so I went on the other side. Without knowing the area I'm not really targeting anything specific so I was throwing a medium swim bait. Seemed like you can get into deep enough water above the dam. Not sure what I want to fish for, or what I should expect to be in those areas...
Last edited by Nenoshabs; 08-20-2016 at 04:54 PM.

08-20-2016, 07:33 PM
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Nenoshabs - Sent you a PM

08-20-2016, 09:17 PM
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Ha! My parents built a house off zero ave just southeast of lester about 3 miles!
Keep Livin' the Dream!

08-21-2016, 09:28 AM
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Mike it's amazing the people you meet and how small the world is!! Hope you've enjoyed the relocation to TN, I think I will! From your profile pic, it looks like you'v also had some success fishing down here!

08-21-2016, 04:33 PM
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Originally Posted by Nenoshabs
Mike it's amazing the people you meet and how small the world is!! Hope you've enjoyed the relocation to TN, I think I will! From your profile pic, it looks like you'v also had some success fishing down here!
Mike is very good with PHOTOSHOP.
WELCOME to the forum.

08-21-2016, 08:33 PM
Dakota S
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Posts: 1,500
Welcome to TN. Yes I am a South Dakota transplant. I moved here in 1998 after the military. You'll love the fishing and outdoors here for sure. This is a great forum to start in you will learn a lot. When it Comes to the outdoors this is a sharp group for any questions you have. Dakota
Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

08-21-2016, 10:01 PM
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Welcome my fellow yankee bretheren.(insert secret yankee hand shake) lol. Transplant from just north of Detroit here. Been in TN since '99. great group of guys here and alot of info to share.

08-22-2016, 12:29 AM
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Welcome aboard. If u r interested in fishing Old Hickory I'm sure we can work out a time that u could grab a seat in my boat. I only bass fish and OH can be a tough lake. It's been fishing pretty good the last couple weeks with the cooler water temps. If you don't mid driving to lebanon or gallatin I'm sure we can make it work

08-22-2016, 07:39 AM
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Welcome to TN. I am a MN transplant as well - grew up in Morgan which is the middle of no-where. I usually fish Pearcy Priest and almost always have room in my boat.

08-22-2016, 07:52 AM
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Too many dang yanks on this forum, especially from Minnesota "don't cha know".
Welcome man, you'll learn a lot here. We don't have 47 thousand public access lakes here like you did up there but we do have a lot of water and a lot of fish in those waters.
Percy Priest dam is a good place to fish when the water is running as it draws in fish from the Cumberland River but the conditions have to be right. I've done well a few times down there and also been skunked a few times.
One thing I can tell you about Percy Priest lake, not the dam area, is that it definitely is underrated in terms of fishing. There are plenty of bass in there and in the Spring time the Hybrid run can be a blast. Look at the TWRA maps of the public hunting land that surrounds the lake. Do the legwork to walk to areas of the banks that are a bit more work to get to and you'll have it to yourself. The easy to get to bank fishing spots are crowded and full of beer cans, worm containers, doritos bags, etc. and it ruins the experience.
I feel bad for people who don't hunt and fish. They never get to experience God's creation the way we do.
SUMKINA Bait Company Prostaff

08-22-2016, 08:47 PM
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Join Date: Jun 2016
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Posts: 5
This is an awesome welcome! Thank you! Its awesome to see so many people enjoying the outdoors here! I've fished my whole life but will never turn down learning more! I primarily focused on walleye, and smallmouth on the soft water and walleye and panfish on the ice. I will fish anything and everything so all opportunities are welcome!
For those of you that offered a seat, I greatly appreciate it, and if I'm free I will be taking you up on the opportunity! Just let me know when and where, I don't mind driving. Looking forward to meeting up and seeing how its done