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Old 09-27-2016, 07:49 PM
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Default Old Hickory 9-27-16

Went fishing Old Hickory today after work. I had to work outside and the weather was so pleasant and mild my co-worker thought it would be a good day to hit the lake. Launched at Sanders Ferry and trolled cranks and spoons down the deep channel in the middle. Went from anywhere from 25-35 feet and we were marking a lot of fish down deep but nothing really biting. Caught 1 on a berkley flicker shad, rainbow trout color and thats it. So we started banging the shorelines and did a little better but all the fish were small. Caught a few nice bluegill with trout magnets and jigs. We got to a cove and was crossing over it to the otherside shoreline so I toss the spoon a couple times and it got nailed by a smallmouth, my first ever..The bad news is I didn't land him. Got him to the side of the boat, my buddy went to net him and he threw the spoon and flipped right out of the net. He was in the neighborhood of about 15-17 inches. Oh well. Won't be the first time I lose one like that.Had a blast regardless and caught a bunch of fish, they were just small.

Last edited by lforet2002; 09-27-2016 at 07:51 PM. Reason: grammar
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Old 09-27-2016, 08:41 PM
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sounds like a good day.
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