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Old 07-05-2021, 01:12 PM
SalmonDaze SalmonDaze is offline
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Default Antipathy

Although there are very few democracies to be studied; I do believe the overarching premise is true.

I would only add that I think there's a step missing between 6 and 8; and I believe we're seeing it now, in full display: ANTIPATHY.

We are now seeing Americans, both native and nationalized, advocating for the destruction of our Country. These were once called traitors; they are now called "peaceful protesters."

There are elected members of Congress who have disdain and hate for all the U.S.A stands for. No need to elaborate; the news organizations are replete with the details.

Finally, we actually now have a President who believes the Jeffersonian, Franklin, and Jackson mandate to overthrow any government that becomes an oppressor of the rights of the citizens is - itself - traitorous.

I love my Country; I fear my government.

Semper Fi.
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