03-18-2018, 03:29 PM
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Join Date: Apr 2005
Location: Lebanon, Tennessee
Posts: 2,925
Generation .... <'TK><
Originally Posted by thejwalker
I've been keeping an eye on the Caney generation schedule which constantly seems to be wide open for the past 8+ weeks. I've driven out to fish Granville a few times in the past weeks and saw how blown out the river has been.
I heard rumors that there were some problems with the Dam and that they were having trouble with it.
Does anyone know what's going on up there? More importantly, does anyone know when they will get back to a generation schedule which includes "0"?
I had a cabin on the Caney during my Guiding Days as well as work for TVA until 1984 ... In the spring with all the rain it is not uncommon for the Gens to run 24/7 for weeks ... Also in the spring is when TVA shuts down some of their Coal Fired Units for outages as well as the boilers, because of a lesser demand on power. So the Hydro's take up the slack with the abundant water available in the rivers and lakes. <'TK><