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Old 09-20-2016, 08:31 PM
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Dakota S
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Originally Posted by lforet2002 View Post
I've been fishing the rest stop mostly. There are some really deep holes over there. For the last month that I have been going I've seen at least 1 big fish landed by someone there. Including the 20" brown I caught 2 weekends ago, I seen a guy with a monster bow that had to be 24". One weekend I was there and was getting ready to leave, when I got to the trail to the parking lot this guy fishing there had his pole bent in half. So I stuck around and watched as he reeled in a big bow well over 20"..It got me motivated to stick around a little longer and I ended up landing a nice 17" bow just a few minutes later. I've fished by the dam before and I did catch a 23" bow down there early in the summer but since then all the fish I've caught down there and at Happy Hollow were small fish. It just seems to me that I catch bigger trout at the rest stop. Most of the fish I catch there are 14" and up.. It really sucked I couldn't make it to the river this past weekend cause I was sick as a dog, but I hope to get back out there this coming weekend.

Do you park at the rest stop and walk to the river. Or are you parking where that old abandoned hotel is right before you get on the interstate? I've seen some cars parked on the side of the road several times.

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