Frustrating day at Caney Fork below the dam
I was fishing below the dam at the bottom of the steps today between 12-3 pm. the water was very low and clear, walking down I could actually see the bottom clear and where it drops off right before it gets to the dam. Lots of carp swimming around, a few drum, saw a small bass. When I got to the bottom I started seeing huge trout! I though they were carp at first they were so big! There were at least 4 - 5 that were approaching 20 inches and a couple that looked every bit of 2 foot and over 5lbs. These big trout seemed to congregate right in front of me within 10 foot of the bank. I threw everything I could at them and could only get a couple of chases on a fast retrieve that ended with the fish turning away at the last second. I couldnt even get the smaller in experienced ones to bite lol. Saw plenty jumping out of the water and saw the biggest one pop his head out of the water to eat something on the surface.. Anyone have any tips on how to snag one of those big boys? I threw a white trout magnet, bitsy minnow, LC pointer jerkbaits, ultra small cranks.. varied up my retrieve.. nothing lol It actually seemed like they were staging up right in that area, possibly expecting the generators to run and bring some food their way because I saw no minnows in the water.