live bait rigging for stripers
I seen lately a few guys have been using live skipjacks for stripers and im curious about where/how to hook them.
Ive used gizzard & threadfins in the spring and ive hooked them through both nostrils with good results but i tried a live skipjack the same way and it was instant death for it once i did. Maybe i did it wrong or stressed the 'jack too much but he went lifeless stat!
i know with shad, certain steps need to be taken to avoid "red nose" which ive read stripers are not a fan of at certain times.
If your using big skip jacks do you run 2 hooks or just 1 big hook? Hooked in the mouth, back, tail?
So since big line sides are a fan of big meals i figure i need to learn the proper rigging so im using something stripers want instead of dragging dead skipjacks down the river! lol.
Thanks for the info!