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tcintn 12-20-2014 10:48 PM

Went fishing with Brown Trout and he was rude to me< I think
Met Brown Trout at Caney for three very cold hours of fishing.It was so cold in my waders that all my parts retreated to warmer places.
The fishing was not the best and when they did hit I some how kept missing them. This is where the rudeness came in.Brown Trout kept telling me I was setting the hook like a "girl". I am sort of old and it was cold. The cold weather was keeping me from remembering what to do when the indicator goes under.
Some day BT will be old and poor and on SS plus cold.
All fun aside,it was great to be there with good friends even if it was slow.We are fortunate to have a great trout stream in Middle Tennessee and that BT can catch the trout.;)

Alphahawk 12-20-2014 11:06 PM

He got that from Jeff when we fished with him out on the Little Red. Jeff kept telling browntrout HE was setting the hook like a "girl".


browntrout 12-21-2014 08:32 AM

Randy is correct, I learned that from the master himself. I was told that on numerous occasions. I think that is a term that is meant as a compliment since it was said to me so many times. So i was complimenting you Ed on your hook setting skills.

It was great day to be back on the river. I do wish the fish would have cooperated more, but there is always next time. Thanks for the company.


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