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metaniumxg 12-20-2014 06:02 PM

Fairfield Glade
I want to go to Fairfield Glade in Crossville for some fishing either tomorrow or this week sometime. Its over an hour away and Ill be fishing from the bank. Do you have to be guests of the resort to fish there? And is it a productive place? Id hate to make the trek out there for nothing. Thanks in advance guys :D

TNBronzeback 12-20-2014 08:01 PM

I fish there a ton.....incredible fisheries in thier own right.
Technically do you need be in possesion of a guest pass. They have a small security agency that drives around and asks to see your pass if they choose too.
Thats not to say you will get asked, but i dont think you will get fined or anything. Just asked to leave or provide a guest pass.
If yoir gonna try it from the can be rough. Those lakes were never built for fishing so when they created the lakes, they clear cut all the timber in the valleys leaving behind huge fishbowls for a lack of a better word. Some of the lakes can get gin clear while others stay slightly stained.
Can be some great fishing though.

Pookie 12-20-2014 08:27 PM

You would be better served trying to fish Center Hill from the bank...and probably catch more at CHL as well.

TNBronzeback 12-20-2014 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by Pookie (Post 59866)
You would be better served trying to fish Center Hill from the bank...and probably catch more at CHL as well.

This time of year your probably right.
Could probably catch some perch or trout from some of the dams though...but thats questionable.

metaniumxg 12-20-2014 09:56 PM

Thanks for the advice fellas, I do remember as a teenager staying there and getting a rental boat with my uncle and cousin and going fishing. Maybe ill just go to scope it out. I have fished center hill at a couple of spots with no luck. Its tough on large reservoirs when you are boat less so I try to hit up smaller lakes.

Reel Tune 12-22-2014 06:35 PM

We fished it a few years ago in the fall, and man it was rough. We opted to fish the rivers and creeks in the area for the rest of our stay. The area was nice though, the condos were a little outdated but clean, the recreation facility was nice.

metaniumxg 12-22-2014 07:21 PM


Originally Posted by MidTNKayakAngler (Post 59903)
We fished it a few years ago in the fall, and man it was rough. We opted to fish the rivers and creeks in the area for the rest of our stay. The area was nice though, the condos were a little outdated but clean, the recreation facility was nice.

I guess they don't stock the lakes, which is too bad. Were you a guest of the resort?

TNBronzeback 12-22-2014 09:37 PM

They stopped stocking those lakes a few years ago. Its a shame too...those lakes can be incredible fisheries. Even this year ive pulled some great fish in the boat.
If you can get a guest pass i would try to get a boat in some of those lakes if thats possible. If ya cant, at the very least you can check out the scenery cause bank fishing will be tough.

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