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thejwalker 03-18-2018 02:45 PM

Problems At the Caney
I've been keeping an eye on the Caney generation schedule which constantly seems to be wide open for the past 8+ weeks. I've driven out to fish Granville a few times in the past weeks and saw how blown out the river has been.

I heard rumors that there were some problems with the Dam and that they were having trouble with it.

Does anyone know what's going on up there? More importantly, does anyone know when they will get back to a generation schedule which includes "0"?


tkwalker 03-18-2018 03:29 PM

Generation .... <'TK><

Originally Posted by thejwalker (Post 81676)
I've been keeping an eye on the Caney generation schedule which constantly seems to be wide open for the past 8+ weeks. I've driven out to fish Granville a few times in the past weeks and saw how blown out the river has been.

I heard rumors that there were some problems with the Dam and that they were having trouble with it.

Does anyone know what's going on up there? More importantly, does anyone know when they will get back to a generation schedule which includes "0"?


I had a cabin on the Caney during my Guiding Days as well as work for TVA until 1984 ... In the spring with all the rain it is not uncommon for the Gens to run 24/7 for weeks ... Also in the spring is when TVA shuts down some of their Coal Fired Units for outages as well as the boilers, because of a lesser demand on power. So the Hydro's take up the slack with the abundant water available in the rivers and lakes. <'TK><:)

FishAddict 03-18-2018 07:48 PM

Old Hickory has been spilling for a month. I've lived here a long time and this may be the most water I've seen in a late winter.

TnCreekMaster 03-18-2018 09:00 PM

They are making progress on lowering center hill but it's been slow to drop it's down to 633 only 4 ft away from winter pool if we get there you will see the generation slow but if we get more rain might not be wading the Caney till april or may

JoelO 03-20-2018 09:22 AM

It's been especially over the last few months. They peg the target water level at 630...they'll ease back as it approaches that level.

TnCreekMaster 03-20-2018 06:32 PM

As far as I know there is no problems with the dam they are just working on the saddle dam which is why they are still trying to stay at the 629 level, they can't reschedule the dam risk catagory until the work is complete I got my hopes up that they were going to raise it this year but probably won't be until 2020:mad:

Alphahawk 03-20-2018 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by TnCreekMaster (Post 81737)
As far as I know there is no problems with the dam they are just working on the saddle dam which is why they are still trying to stay at the 629 level, they can't reschedule the dam risk catagory until the work is complete I got my hopes up that they were going to raise it this year but probably won't be until 2020:mad:

I am not sure when they will raise it......I have been told it may be 10 more years. They now have to do a study on the spill gates.....there was a news release on it.


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TnCreekMaster 03-20-2018 08:02 PM


Originally Posted by Alphahawk (Post 81746)
I am not sure when they will raise it......I have been told it may be 10 more years. They now have to do a study on the spill gates.....there was a news release on it.


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Ahhhh man what's next, going to demolish the dam and start over lol

Alphahawk 03-20-2018 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by TnCreekMaster (Post 81748)
Ahhhh man what's next, going to demolish the dam and start over lol

I hear you. I’m 67.....I was hoping to see that lake back up to regular summer pool before I check out. I’ve been fishing up there since early 60’s. My last great years there were from 2009-2012. Of course they were working on the dam then also but it just seems that each year my catch rate there has gone down. Of course fish are still caught there and I still give it a good shot in the spring but it is just not the same.


thejwalker 03-23-2018 06:22 PM

I spoke too soon. I noticed Wed overnight they had generation at Zero. I appreciate all of the info.

Hopefully the fish aren't blown out for too long.

TnCreekMaster 03-23-2018 09:15 PM

Sluice and spillway gates appear to be closed!

Aquaholic 03-24-2018 08:45 AM

it will be another year of warm water and low DO on the caney....just like last summer. Not good for trout or the apex fish.

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