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lforet2002 09-22-2016 06:19 PM

New Spoons
Got my order of new spoons today. I have done well with spoons on the Caney Fork so I placed an order for some new colors. And of course I had to get Eppinger Daredevils cause personally I think there the best. Anyways here's the lot I got..

lupanfreitag 09-23-2016 06:51 AM

I am a fan especially for giant pike.

commdd 09-23-2016 07:52 AM

those look great, what do they weigh?

MNfisher 09-23-2016 11:13 AM


Originally Posted by lupanfreitag (Post 75063)
I am a fan especially for giant pike.

Man up in Canada we would use daredevils until there was no paint left from the pikes teeth!


lforet2002 09-23-2016 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by commdd (Post 75065)
those look great, what do they weigh?

These are all 1/4 oz. The one on the bottom not in the package is the color my buddy has been using and the trout love it..The only ones I have gotten from Bass Pro are the silver, gold and perch colored. I have done well with all three but they are also the bigger half ounce spoons and these smaller ones will probably work better. The selection online at Eppinger is insanely huge. I could have bought a bunch more but the wifey set a limit on me.

commdd 09-23-2016 06:50 PM

great, thanks!

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