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skillet 09-07-2016 12:35 PM

Cumberland River 9-4-16
Deezelteck and I took my dad down to the Cumberland River for some smallmouth action Sunday. We threw creature baits and cranks, biggest fish came off a custom painted wiggle wart that now belongs to the Cumberland River 😢😢 We caught a lot of fish, my dad couldn't catch anything but drum lol but we still had a good time. No big smallies, but there were some really nice largemouths caught. I really needed that big bass to boost my confidence, it has been a struggle since May!!!

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Buccaneer 09-07-2016 12:42 PM

Nice! Looks like the current was pretty low. Good call going below the dam.

skillet 09-07-2016 02:31 PM

There was one gen running. The bite was pretty steady and often. There was a lot of missed and lost fish.

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thehick176 09-07-2016 02:49 PM

I've had the same luck down there lately. Catching alot of fish but no big Smallies. We need 2 gens and cooler weather, those bigguns will show!

90titans89 09-07-2016 04:09 PM

Nice fish....prolly would have caught a lot more if you were wearing ORANGE!

skillet 09-07-2016 06:24 PM


Originally Posted by 90titans89 (Post 74825)
Nice fish....prolly would have caught a lot more if you were wearing ORANGE!

You don't want to start that battle!! Lmao!!

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unkangler 09-08-2016 07:44 AM


Originally Posted by skillet (Post 74820)
Deezelteck and I took my dad down to the Cumberland River for some smallmouth action Sunday. We threw creature baits and cranks, biggest fish came off a custom painted wiggle wart that now belongs to the Cumberland River 😢😢 We caught a lot of fish, my dad couldn't catch anything but drum lol but we still had a good time. No big smallies, but there were some really nice largemouths caught. I really needed that big bass to boost my confidence, it has been a struggle since May!!!

Nice fish! .. great photo, ... (custom painted lure) - man I would have spent some serious time trying to get that rascal back :cool:

deezelteck 09-08-2016 09:17 AM

We used a lure retriever, but it still broke off. I was ready to go diving.

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skillet 09-08-2016 11:03 AM


Originally Posted by unkangler (Post 74842)
Nice fish! .. great photo, ... (custom painted lure) - man I would have spent some serious time trying to get that rascal back :cool:

There was a lot of time spent trying to get it back. Had we not been in the river I probably would've taken a swim. And it wasn't just a custom painted lure...pre rapala wiggle wart!!!! 😢

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skillet 09-08-2016 11:04 AM

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deezelteck 09-08-2016 11:36 AM

That's her.. there was that awkward silence for a few when the line snapped.

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skillet 09-08-2016 12:54 PM


Originally Posted by skillet (Post 74849)

RIP ol' buddy....😢😢💸💸💸💸💸💸💸. Hahahaha...I know where to get more lol

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luckystratos 09-08-2016 02:15 PM

That's a stud right there. Haven't seen a fish like that in a while. I bet that wart is expensive

unkangler 09-08-2016 02:17 PM

I know how you feel when you loose a treasured lure ..BTDT .. sounds like you fella's didn't give up to easy ... Lately when I get one snagged I have been using just my launch rope and snap hook to retrieve 'em - been pretty lucky the last few years.

skillet 09-08-2016 02:49 PM

Cumberland River 9-4-16

Originally Posted by luckystratos (Post 74854)
That's a stud right there. Haven't seen a fish like that in a while. I bet that wart is expensive

I had 5 painted at the same time by a guy and I'm wanting to say it was $8/each to have painted. I already had the wiggle warts. I have quiet a few of them actually. And if I had bought the warts and had painted, probably would've been a $25-30 crankbait!!!!!! But that little chartreuse wart was a special one. It has caught a lot of nice fish.

I have a lure retriever that works great and has saved me a lot of money!!! lol. But 1 out of 25 you're gonna loose if you're fishing the right areas! Price of fishing.

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