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jad2t 08-30-2016 02:04 PM

Old Hickory - Cairo Bend Access Open?
Can one of you guys who fishes Old Hick a lot verify that the Cairo Bend Access is still open? On Google Maps it seems like it is available for use but it isn't listed on TWRA's map. Thanks.

spottedbass 08-30-2016 02:32 PM

I used it last year several times. I haven't used it this year but haven't heard anything about it being closed.

Buccaneer 08-30-2016 03:09 PM

I believe it is a Corp of Engineers maintained ramp. It is open.

Texas_Rig 08-30-2016 06:36 PM

It's open. I use it at least 3 times a week. Safe ramp. Never had anyone bother anything

agelesssone 08-30-2016 08:24 PM

Went by there today, saw boat launching.

jad2t 08-31-2016 07:27 AM


Originally Posted by Buccaneer (Post 74730)
I believe it is a Corp of Engineers maintained ramp. It is open.

That may explain why it isn't listed on TWRA's access website!

Thanks everyone, I plan to use it soon.

SAMBOLIE 09-01-2016 02:16 PM


Originally Posted by jad2t (Post 74756)
Sounds like you guys need to get kayaks, we don't need no stinkin' boat ramp!


Originally Posted by jad2t (Post 74736)
That may explain why it isn't listed on TWRA's access website!

Thanks everyone, I plan to use it soon.

Make up your mind.

jad2t 09-01-2016 03:45 PM

Haha technically I don't need that ramp but it's the only way to get to a reasonable paddle of an area I want to scout for the early duck season. If all goes well I'll kill 2 or 3 of the 7 total ducks that use that lake!

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