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Headhunter 08-24-2016 01:53 PM

Rainy Lake, Gussi Lake and Esox lake, Ontario
made my annual trip to Canada. By my lonesome.

I caught more of these than you can imagine.

Saw 4 of these

On Rainy you catch these til you actually get bored and wish they would quit hitting. I had one that measured 32" and few 30's. On Rainy you can only keep one per day if you are a nonresident.

This a memorial to a young girl that drowned on Rainy years ago.
Pretty cool.

Spent just over 4 days on Rainy. Smallmouth averaged 3-1/2 lbs each and largest overall was 4-1/2. Found couple schools that I lost count of how many I caught, but they were from just under 4 lbs to just over 4 lbs. Many on a tiny torpedo and a dt-4 and 6 Rapala, olive green crawfish and a 3/8oz double colorado spinnerbait are for sure smallie catchers on Rainy. Just from catching fish, 4 spinnerbaits broke in half.

Went to a place I haven't been in about 25 years, Gussi Lake which is connected to Esox. Average smallie there is about 1-1/2 lbs but I caught couple over 4. My dad many years ago caught the biggest smallmouth bass I have ever personally seen caught. It was just over 6 lbs. Place is absolutely loaded with smallmouth, it would not be difficult to catch 150-200 fish in a day. I caught almost everything there on topwater baits. I did not see one person at Gussi and Esox, it is in the middle of nowhere for sure.

Nothing like Canada.

Headhunter 08-24-2016 02:08 PM

I also got pretty close to these 2. Pretty much see eagles constantly while fishing there.

unkangler 08-24-2016 04:12 PM

Thanks for sharing..... Nice pic's, .. sure does look and sound beautiful.

luckystratos 08-24-2016 05:38 PM

Wow what a trip. I believe Canada is going to have to be put on my bucket list. Have been hearing wonderful stories like yours and its eating at me. Lol

white95v6 08-24-2016 07:18 PM

To bad it's Canada.....looks like a blast.

Farley 08-25-2016 06:06 AM

Thanks for sharing. Would love to make that trip one day.

jad2t 08-25-2016 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Headhunter (Post 74670)

I did not see one person at Gussi and Esox, it is in the middle of nowhere for sure.

Nothing like Canada.

If only there were places like that in middle Tennessee. You have to venture out to East TN to really get away from everyone.

Awesome pictures. I'd love to hunt and fish some of the untouched wilderness of Canada some day.

lupanfreitag 08-25-2016 10:39 AM

I go every year. It is a blast. When you get into the smallies it can be astounding. One evening another guy and I caught 28 smallmouth in 45 minutes. And we caught a walleye on topwater. Good times.

Heiny57 08-25-2016 12:34 PM

Looks really fun. Thanks for sharing.

SAMBOLIE 08-25-2016 05:51 PM


Originally Posted by jad2t (Post 74684)
If only there were places like that in middle Tennessee. You have to venture out to East TN to really get away from everyone.

Awesome pictures. I'd love to hunt and fish some of the untouched wilderness of Canada some day.

You need to pursue that dream soon. There was once places like that in the USA.
Time gets by quickly Jimmy.

Headhunter 08-26-2016 09:01 AM

I am 50, have been going since I was 13 every year for the most part, some years have been missed for sure, but I have spent a ton of time in Canada fishing, from a canoe and a boat. One of the most amazing places there is to me.

baxterboy 09-30-2016 04:45 AM

Headhunter, what access point did you use at Rainy? Did you drive or fly? Did you use an outfitter?

I'm hoping to get up to Canada next summer.

Headhunter 09-30-2016 09:45 AM

Last few years we have been putting in at LaBelle's, Northwest Bay of Rainy Lake. Been camping on an island in Alexandria Bay. If you want a great outfitter to stay with, contact Tom Pearson at Camp, great guy and a beautiful place. About 7 miles by boat from boat ramp at La Belles. You will pay about $10 per day to leave vehicle and/or trailer parked at La Belles, not sure if that is included if you stay at Tom's.

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